Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's an Obamanation...

Well it has come to pass that we (USA) have elected our first black president. I think there is too much being made of this. It seems people are to eager to jump on the ban wagon or bring up the race card. The news keeps saying this is amazing that our country was ready to make a black man president. I think we've been willing to do that for several years now. It's only that now someone more acceptable than Jesse Jackson has run. I personally did not vote for Obama, nor would I whatever his race. I simply don't agree with his political views. I am quite surprised that the country would vote for such a left leaning candidate. I could understand more if he was more moderate, but nope, they went to the extreme. I can only say that I will be praying that God directs him in a more moderate path otherwise I fear it will get very ugly. I am actually happy that he won, although I voted for McCain, because I think Obama being president will definitely shake the country to its core. He will either be a great success or a miserable failure. I hope he's a great success for all our sakes. Only time will tell. As long as he stays away from restricting the Bill of Rights and our Constitutional Amendments, and he doesn't end up taxing all us middle income people to help support his universal healthcare programs or his welfare for the illegal immigrants, then I guess I won't have much of a problem with him. However, I don't think he'll be able to. So be prepared to unroll your prayer carpet and face Mecca, because it may no longer be "In God We Trust" but rather "In Allah We Trust".


Jennifer said...

I totally agree, but then that may be why we are 2 peas in a pod and are married... :)

Jennifer Milligan said...

Kris my dear friend, I agree with you totally! I like your blog by the way. Hope to see you soon. Maybe Obama will make it possible when he solves all of our financial problems, maybe then too I'll have more work. :) People have suggested while on the Obama Kool-Aid that they don't have to worry about their mortgage payment or gasoline for the automobiles. I was wondering if you have seen or know where I can get my voucher so that I too can sign up for this entitlement program? Please let me know soon since I'll be holding my breath while waiting! Bob