Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Politics and the U.S.: "Live Free or Die"

Well it's been forever since I last posted anything. I have no excuse, I've just been lazy. But now I'm here and ready to write. I've been watching "our" new government over the past month and a half, and all I can say is "What the hell is wrong with you America!?!". I was a Bush supporter, but I disagreed with that whole bailout crap. Now Obama is continuing this travesty. When will we, the citizens, stand up and yell "No more!!!!!". It has become quit clear to me that it doesn't matter if it's the Republicans or the Democrats, they are all run by the all mighty dollar. Obama successively sold to the majority of Americans that he was all about change, and that he wouldn't follow in the footsteps of his predecessors. Well in less than two months he has done the exact same crap.

We, the people, can only sit back and watch our country fall apart. How can we fix the problem you may ask? I say let the banks that are failing fail. Let the car companies that are floundering fall flat. It's kind of like the Darwin theory applied to business. The companies will either adapt and live on, or fail and become extinct because they could not live in the changing environment. Survival of the fittest.

A society that tries to sustain itself by supporting the weak and useless by the toil and backbone of the productive will at some point fail. To give the have-nots all they need while taking it from the haves is not productive. I am not a have-not nor am I a have. I fall right in the middle, and I can see the flaw in this theory even if our politicians can't.

I'm tired of hearing the liberal left telling me I'm wrong for believing what I believe, and for being labeled a racist because I don't agree with Obama. I'm also tired of the GOP leaders being a bunch of floundering fish. They flip-flop on everything! They're afraid to take a stand for what they say they believe in. I want to see a candidate, white/black male/female I don't care, who will stand up and say this is what I believe, this is how I will vote. I want a candidate that says to hell with party affiliation, to hell with left or right, I'm running as an American for Americans. I believe in the Bible, Jesus, Patriotism, Prayer, and the ability for people to become independent from their government. That's the type of politician I want. The problem with that is unless a person is independently wealthy there is no way for an individual to make it into government to make changes.

I feel that the U.S. is on a collision course for disaster. The title of this little tirade has four very important words in it: "Live Free, or Die". No words have ever been more true. At the rate we're going you, the average citizen, will have no freedoms because the government wants have as much control over you, your job, your money, and your Rights as you are willing to give them. With every little submission they will take more and more. As Thomas Jefferson said:
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

We are to be feared, We are to be respected, We are to be free. Will we let our government rule us, or are we going to rule our government? You make your own choice. As for me and my family, we've made ours.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks, honey- you said everything I can't put into words. :)