Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Boston Butts and Cross Dressers...Oh Boy!!!!

Well the Boston butt was a huge success!!! I bought a 10 lbs. butt and smoked it on the smoker for about 15 hours. It began to literally fall apart as I cut in to it. Jennifer loves pulled pork, but usually I am unable to cook it so that that is possible. I have, however, figured out the secret...cook it low and slow. I usually smoke stuff for about 6 to 8 hours. That is enough time for the meat to cook, but not enough time for it to become really, really tender. The longer the time the more tender it will be.

I really enjoy the whole smoking process. It allows me to just separate from the whole police life. I can focus on making the best meal possible and have a nice cold Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beer (or several) in the process. It's very relaxing. And the end results are quite tasty!!!

Now I know most of you are intrigued by the title of this posting so I won't keep you waiting any longer, The Cross Dresser...oh boy!!! As I was working the other night I responded to a call at the interstate rest area. When I arrived on scene I found a 50 yo male hiding behind a tractor trailer. He was a good ole boy, welder by trade, who just so happen to be dressed a bit odd. And by odd I mean he was wearing white women's high heels, pantyhose, a blue jean mini-skirt, a women's tank top, and a bra filled water balloons to simulate breasts. But what really topped it off was the mustache and mullet! In 10 1/2 years of policing this was a first for me. I didn't know how to respond other than to laugh. He told me "I'm not gay, I just like to play dress up". Right... Whatever you want to think buddy. Needless to say I arrested him for loitering & prowling, and then later found drugs on him. When I took him to the jail the jailers just looked dumbfounded then did like I did earlier, and had a good laugh. When I told Winston about it he responded by saying "What is wrong with people today? What is this world coming to?". If a 9 yo can figure it out, why can't everyone else?

Onto other subjects, I have been in political limbo lately. I do not share the beliefs of the Democratic Socialist Party (as I refer to them now), and I have been very very disappointed with the so called "conservative" Republican Party. They have become a real wet noodle in my opinion. They are too eager to compromise, and are not willing enough to fight for traditional values. I looked into the Libertarian Party, but I am just not able to follow the party line. I have had a real feeling of helplessness when it comes to our political choices. However, I have think I have found my political silver lining in the cloud. The Constitution Party is my new choice. They believe as I do that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is what this country was founded on, and that is what we need to follow. They also believe in a faith based foundation for conservatism. Finally a party that's not afraid to say what they think despite how they may be perceived by others. Check them out at . See what you think.

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