That silvery mass in the orange hammock is the wifey sawing logs. She said she couldn't fall asleep until it was daylight because of her fear that she would be a bear snack.
Winston in his little cocoon. He actually loves the hammock so much we have set it up at home under is bunkbed. He just chills in it and watches t.v.
We took Bolo our pet lab. He still hasn't really figured out he's supposed to be a water dog. I'm holding him here in this photo.
Here is Bolo right next to his very favorite human, mommy. He is never more than a few feet away from her if he can help it.
This is next to our campsite. It was very relaxing laying in the hammock listening to the waterfall.
Winston was trying to spearfish with a homemade spear. A typical 10 yo boy.
I bought this machette before we left for $15. Who knew Winston would have soooo much fun chopping everything in sight including a small pine tree about 20 ft. tall (see it behind him).
Bolo doing what he does best...nothing. He really is a great dog though. He just wants to be loved on.
Winston chillaxin'.
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